Content Editing Team

After being accepted, the unpublished novel or short story collection comes into the loving and perfectionist hands of the RRP Prose Editing Team! Purveyors of excellently structured stories and avid supporters of the Oxford comma, our editors are dedicated to working with and supporting our authors so we can publish the best-quality book possible. We enjoy long, passionate discussions about punctuation and heated debates about whether or not “said” really is dead. When we aren’t tracking changes in five different documents, we’re perusing the bookshelves for our next read or helping our friends over on the website team edit their fabulous blog.  


Our Values: 

Teamwork (but in a cooler, more-scholarly way than the promotions team)

Attention to Detail (preferably with an ability to look at screens for a long time)

Patience (with a quick turn-around)

RRP’s poetry editors consist of creative college students who are deeply connected to their work. From snapping thumb and forefinger in poetic approval to polishing prized collections for publication, we cherish the opportunity to strengthen the writing of our authors. Caffeinated beverage in one hand and ink pen in the other, when we are not editing poetry, we are living it. Poetry is a way of life.
Red Rook Press